How is Surgical Scrub Station Use and Care in Operation Theatre

Precaution is better than quote and it become more significant when it is matter of critical medical complications such as surgery. Operation theatre always needs high level of cleanliness at every place and process including simple hand wash.

Surgical site infections are commonly occurring within healthcare, especially in India. Good hygiene is the most effective way in which to reduce and prevent infection. However, compliance is often low or insufficient.

Hand hygiene is one of the most important elements of infection control. The aim of hand washing is to remove transient micro-organisms, acquired through everyday tasks in the clinical setting, from the surface of the hands. Good hand hygiene protects both patients and staff.

There are some short of guidelines provided by most of the hospitals to his medical staff, especially for the staff going to attend critical surgical cases. It describes when and how you staff should hand wash.
  • Before touching a patient
  • Before a clean or aseptic procedure
  • After body fluid exposure risk
  • After touching a patient
  • After touching patient surroundings
Surgical scrub station can aid in containing the spread of microorganisms found on the skin and on clothing worn outside the surgical area, and lower the incidence of surgical site infections. Choosing the right clothing for the personnel transfer area and establishing guidelines are important steps in limiting microbial spread and promoting patient safety.

There are some key features, need to consider when planning to select Surgical scrub station for the hospitals, that will help the staff while using and maintenance.   
  • Water control
  • Digital timer
  • Soap dispenser
  • Faucet
  • Station
How to take care scrub station?

Sinks should be cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis and soap pumps need to be cleaned out to prevent any bacteria from growing within the mechanism. Stainless steel material is recommended for the construction of operating room scrub sinks due to its naturally antibacterial properties. Bacteria have a difficult time adhering to the surfaces, and stainless steel is easy to clean.


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