The Modular OT and Essential Equipments make it Safer

Modular operation theatre or Modular OT is an concept developed in recent decade gradually among the hospitals and medical institutions to make surgery more convenience and risk free. It manufactures and designing for hospital operation room to facilitate surgeons all the controls at one place.

Modular OT have integrated functions are always required in an operating department, such as cleanliness must be preserved and the safety facilities, equipment and device must be maintained any times. Best modular operating theatre equipment has been satisfying those conditions consists of a ceiling, slanted panels and wall. In addition, it has a high availability with high workability and enough functions, which is provided for the introduction of a new facility in the future.

Modular OT also covers other important aspects, it’s provide comfortable and safe working environment for medical staff such as doctors and nurses must be considered from the view point of human engineering. The modular operating theatre satisfying those conditions consists of wall, ceiling and slanted panels, and is capable of incorporating not only electrical equipment, medical gas system and lighting gears but all the necessary functions and equipment’s at need.

Your Modular OT needs some special kind of hospital furniture and equipment to make process more smother. Some of them are discussed in the following.

Operation Theatre Control Panel: This is a centralised control panel allow to control entire functions in operation theatre at single place such as clock time, surgical time, anaesthesia time, Air conditioning system, Medical gas alarms, Air presser, Air flow, lighting and many more. It can be customize as per the requirement.

Surgical Scrub Stations: This is a compact surgical scrub stations or sink, which are specially designed for the use in operation theatre. Its ease and convenience provide a most comfortable use to surgeons before and after operating patients.

Pass Box: It is also called a transfer hatch or sterile access system, works as a barrier between areas with different levels of cleanliness when materials do have to be moved.


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