How Modern Operation Theatre Ensures Surgical Success

Life of the patients depends on skills of the surgeon as well as depends on capabilities of OT (Operation Theatre) where the patients are being treated. Modular operation theatre manufacturers constantly doing the research work translate their findings into practical and implement the features to facilitate the doctors in the process.

Some common features and facilities used to find in modern OT:

Operating Theatre Control Panel: OT control panel is considered a centralised command centre used to control activities and functions available in the entire OT.  It is used to monitor medical gas pressures, temperature, humidity, differential pressure, Hepa filter to control operating lights, illumination, laminar flow, day and clock, chronometer, heat, humidity, laminar flow in the operation room.

Pressure Stabilizers: OT air pressure stabilizer or air flow control the differential air pressures between adjacent rooms to fine tolerances, closing as soon as the differential air pressure drops below the required level.

OT Lighting: OT lights is also known as operating light or surgical lighting is a medical device intended to assist medical personnel during a surgical procedure by illuminating a local area or cavity of the patient. Technically this is a combination of several surgical lights.

Hatch Box: This box helps medical staff to prevent infection, extensively used for removing waste from the operation theater. The waste is then thrown into the dirty linen area just adjacent to the operation theater. Further, the hatch consists of two doors and both the doors are electronically interlocked.

Surgical Sink: Surgical scrub or surgical sink is used by operating staff before and after operating surgery. imperative to the health and safety of patients. They serve as the scrub station for surgeons and other OR staff to scrub their hands and arms before a surgical or invasive procedure.

X-Ray View Box: Essential components of OT allow the operating staff to view X-Ray in different brightness, even larger X-rays can be easily viewed.


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