Modular Operation Theatres in India

With the evolution of technology and modern practices, healthcare institutions like clinics, hospitals, and other healthcare centres are switching to modular operation theatres more and more nowadays.

These operation theatres have more hygienic conditions in comparison to older operation theatres. With the help of modern science and technology, the rooms, walls, and ceilings for modular operation theatres get created with accuracy. Even the flooring for modular operation theatre is specific and made as per the standards of industries.

A modular operation theatre consists of equipment and hospital furniture. These are surgical scrub stations, bed head panels, ceiling-mounted laminar flow, x-ray viewing screens, and operation theatre control panels.

Key Features of Modular Operation Theatres

In this section, we will discuss some key features of modular operation theatres.

Modular operation theatres circulate air more effectively. They have centralized air processing units and use recycled air.

Hygiene and sterility are two things that cannot be compromised in a hospital at any cost. To make modular operation theatre rooms safe, their walls get painted with sterilized paints that ensure the walls remain to be sterilized for nearly 15-17 years.

Modular OTs contain fully equipped tools and equipment. Thus, they are more accurate.

These operation theatres have centralized air circulation systems and also use recycled air.

Multiple patients can be treated in a single OT room easily as the equipment is available in one spot.

The modular OTs are more environment-friendly and cost-efficient.

Let's Conclude

We initiated our discussion by gaining some basic knowledge of modular operation theatres and how they have benefited more than the conventional operation theatres. Modular OTs include an OT room with furnished hospital equipment like ceiling-mounted laminar flow, surgical scrub sinks, bed head panels, x-ray viewing screens, and many other essential tools. Lastly, we ended with a few benefits of using modular operation theatres.

Modular Healthcare System is a leading manufacturer and supplier of hospital equipment in and around Delhi NCR. If you are looking for some premium quality furniture at pocket-friendly rates for your hospitals and clinics, it will be a perfect choice.


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